“The Firenze Empire will be met with a new light and darkness, but the darkness will swallow the light and bring the empire to ruin.” In an imperial family praised for their silver locks, Princess Ashtarte’s unique black hair is immediately stigmatized as a bad omen. With her family shunning her for being the prophesied darkness, all Ashtarte wants is to be loved, and learning magic is her sole option to achieving that. One day, she stumbles upon a spell of destiny that teleports her to an unknown place. Waiting for her there is a boy in shackles named Abelion Elforman, who is anchored by a grim past of his own. Will these two be able to work together to bring light to their dark fates?
this is sooooo damn good and i cried in every chapter like damn, i love the abused femlae leads bec they all turn out too be the utterly best you shall read this with tiers and a smile for my duckig sake
Ashame how many others treated her maybe the prophecy was bullshit “the dark hair princess will bring darkness” the king couldn’t disregard that shit no treat a child like this even the maids lucky for her she does have people who love her
End of main story 😭😭😭😭😭 and I am not gonna lie I kinda feel sad for naoh because he didn’t want his trashy elder brother to meet ashtarte but the way he said it…It made misunderstanding between him and ashtarte ….. He tried hard to treat good ashtarte to the point he could die for her.. he didn’t hate that imposter bitch but treated her coldly.. anyway hope ashtarte visit him and hope we see ashtarte and rieo kidsss in the side story…😍🎀
Anna rose
Update bro update
This is really tearing my heart apart(T^T), that ashtarte wasn’t treated as a princess very well or nor the crown prince considered her as a sister even though they where a blood related family but I’m really happy that she have people who love her very much , wht princess ashtarte did to show them how she feels for the past 10 years , she did the right thing n that “high priest should just die ” (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)
This is really an interesting story, please update more (≡^∇^≡)
Ashtarte, you need to be happy without them, love yourself more to become happy 😁😁, seriously I hate her brothers and father to believe the prophecy very much 😠😠…
Please update more
Update please 🥺
This is the first time I don’t like the ml,(idk if he’s ml) even if he doesn’t do anything wrong, but I don’t like that he tries to keep the fl to himself.
Updated too slow and I feel boring to wait…
update please~
I dont remember the oracle saying the children’s appearance so why did they just choose ashtarte .. her mother was a holy person so it would make sense for her to be the light 😐 smh
Please update morreeee😍😍😍😍🙏
Ohhh more update please, it so damn good. I love it…
Harlie colon
Update please
I love this manhwa it was very nice and amazing but I love the main character ashtarte
Harlie Colon
Please update
So gooodddd……Why did S1 end today???!!!😭😭😭😭
This is so very… AMAZING I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
This is one of the BEST manga I read.
Update plzz
Update plzzz
Harlie Colon
Please udate i need to know wht happens
Jyotiraditya Majhi
When season 2 will start
Harlie Colon
Why no update
Sammi A.
I never would have thought that I would like this and yet I’m begging for more chapters!!! This starts good and continues good
plssss update more😭😭😭
I love this i can’t wait for more episodes
Waiting for the next chapter
It has been already a month….why no updates?God
When is the new season coming?
Lady Marionette
Can’t wait for the season 2!!
misha 2.0
next. pls
It’s finally here I love it thank for updating i hope for more and amazing story♥️♥️♥️
I really love this story and the art is so good,,, I’m obsessed!!,,, if it becomes anime then it will be huge hit!!
love this.. ❤️❤️❤️
This was so depressing, especially at the beginning. i went through a whole box of tissues finishing this lol 😂 but I loved it! Read it, you won’t regret it!
This is a must read! I don’t think anyone could regret reading this, or come close to dropping this. The art is also outstanding.
P.S. Translators are doing great, thank you for the updates.
Kim Hannah
this is so good!
Love this one very much! ❤️
Yuri May
That old hag hight priest thingi thing just made up that stupid prophecy and made our fl suffer I hope he suffer s too in the future…I want it to be endless suffering longer than what the FL had to SUFFER.
Chefs kiss 🤌🏼
Please update soon as possible 🙏☺️🙏☺️🙏☺️🙏☺️☺️🙏☺️☺️🙏🙏☺️☺️☺️🙏
More updates please 🥺
I just love how she stood up for herself definitely reccomended!
Rant-> I think Ashtarte should’ve forgiven Noah. The reasons that she hated him for were all invalid or assumed. Noah ignored and isolated himself from her because of his metaphorical shackles and much pressure. His mother who always told him to support and back up his older brother, his older brother who always got everything, and a priest with power all ignored the princess and being younger, it was normal just to follow their lead. He told a lie about the cloak because he just wanted something to himself, no matter how hard he tried, his older brother was always better at everything and got more than him. It was only natural for him to want something of his own. I guess it makes sense that Ashtarte doesn’t like him because of all the pain his older brother caused her, but if Ashtarte is so good and got mad when her blood-related dad didn’t understand her mothers pov, why didn’t she try to figure out his. Noah was the only one of her direct blood related family that also used actions to try to atone to her even though he didn’t do anything, Ashtarte’s father and brother only gave her sorries and didn’t do anything that would actually help her. Noah should have definitely been forgiven. Unregetfully(prolly not a word), I can’t defend mr.migraine bc I think he should go die in a ditch.
I want to see ashtarte forgive her family…. Just once…
I LOVE WHEN 2 GUYS ARE CHASING AFTER 1 GIRL!! This was literally one of the best things I have read! I LOVE ITTTTTT!
I hate the crown prince.
Even until the end he does not want to clear ashtarte name and prioriting that amaryllis over ashtarte . He doesnot deserve her forgiveness .
Update po😭
I REALLY RECOMMEND THIS MANHWA!! Ackkk so breathtaking art and ugghhh the Storyline!! its like so vivid, so interesting!!
I read 65 chapters and then came to read just the last chapter. In the beginning it was good. They looked so cute when they were little but the art doesn’t look good as they grew older. About the story it became kinda cliche and cringe in the mid and end. I kind of pitty her sister cause her behavior is kind of justified due to the influence of her surroundings and it’s quite sad that she turned out to be a homunculus. Her family do owe her the greatest apology but it had been better if they kind of ended those bitter feelings. Lastly I absolutely hate the fact that with appearance of rion she completely forgot isaiyah I mean ok he is second ml but he was a pure character and deserved at least and apology. Anyways ashtarte and rion deserve each other and isaiyah purely deserves someone better! If you ever happen to do a comeback for this one give isaiyah a better ending!!