Overprotective Lady
Archduke Rahan El Kanox, who has been criticized for saying, ‘It must be a demon sent by God to wreak havoc on this world. A young woman who grew up beloved in her family due to the wounds of her childhood, one day receives a proposal from the fearsome Archduke Kanox, whom she had only heard of through rumors. Despite his family’s opposition, Isel decides to marry Archduke Kanox for the sake of the family. The person who appeared before her was a kind and wonderful gentleman who helped Isel in danger in the village. Then Isel could not understand the infamy of the many who followed Prince Canox. ‘For a person who is so kind and kind… Why is everyone doing this?’
•Pochi & Mochi•
I think🤔 it’s supposed to be “Overprotected Lady” and not “Overprotective Lady” because she is poverly protected by everyone👥 in their mansion🏤 like she’ll get sick because she got wet a little with cold❄ water💧 or she’ll fly🕊 like paper if there’s a strong enough wind🍃 that would lift a skirt🔅☫
•Pochi & Mochi•
☫ this symbol you used Lol🇮🇷 its the center of iran’s flag and it mean ” there is no god but just Allah ” or ” Allah is the only god ” (*lol when you are using something think what does it mean first *)
😂😂😂😂 this comments section
The name in Tappytoon is Miss overprotected
Mewn Florida
Seriuslah kau guna simbol iran, tiada tuhan disembah melainkan Allah, dude this comic Islamfobia, how could are you f@ck#ng this comic,